
Prelude to a New Generation 3

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HawkeyeRiza37's avatar

Literature Text

          Within seconds, I heard the tinny popping of the ball flying open. I was temporarily blinded by the bright flash of light that followed, and, blinking spots from my eyes, I watched the red, laser-like beam shape a pokemon in midair. When it had faded, and light gave way to mass, I called out to him.
          And he turned back to me, a curious look on his plasma-covered face. A red tag flopped on his ear. "Re?"
          "I need you to open the door." I spoke calmly though my lips were shaking. The voice and his guards would have seen the pokeball open, and we had little time to leave before they arrived.
          We both looked at each other, my heart pounding in my ears. I watched his eyes run over me, and then he frowned and shook his head.
          I gasped. "What?!"
          The thing just shook his head again, crossing his long, dangly arms.
          "Please open the door!?" I begged, feeling stupid. "I know I'm not your trainer but I need your help! Please!"
          But he still refused to budge. I felt panic churning with anger. "Listen, you, I—"
          We both heard the rapid clicking that cut me off, and looked to see the knob twitching. I ran to the door, shoving past Reuniclus, and slammed my back against it. Pain shot up my arms but I laid all my weight against them and planted my feet as best I could. I could feel people pushing back; hear loud, angry voices shouting incoherently behind it.
          Reuniclus floated over beside me and looked through the crack between door and wall, smiling at the encroaching assailants. I glanced over at him, teeth gritting with the effort to keep the crack from widening. I could swear this thing would just watch me get knocked out and imprisoned again with a smile! Too blithe to even recognize someone in need when they were right in front of him! I opened my mouth to plead with him again, desperate, but was cut off by a sudden low, growling sound.
          "Reu…" he moaned, floating back to rub at his stomach morosely.
          I felt something in my mind click.
          "Reuniclus, you're hungry? You want to get something to eat?" I was grinning madly, speaking as though to a child.
          The bait was taken. He nodded enthusiastically.
          "How about you help me out of here, and I make you something to eat, then, okay? We can even go look for your trainer! Sound like a good deal to you?"
          For a moment, he appeared to be deliberating. I felt the pressure on the door recede, but then heard that same sound of a pokeball was being opened, and a pit formed in my stomach. I didn't know what they had, but there was no way I could stand up to whatever move they would use.
          "Do we have a deal!?"
          I barely saw him shake his head in agreement before I was suddenly flying forward. The force on my back made me fall to the ground, my cheek scraping the hard concrete. Behind me, I heard the triumphant baying of a Blitzle.
          I rolled over, wincing, and watched as Reuniclus began to glow. Blitzle took a wary step back, but it couldn't escape the same blue light that overtook it. It writhed in the invisible grasp, neighing in confusion, and then flew back into the small mob of grunts before the door.
          Everything on me was throbbing—including my adrenaline-flooded heart—and I roared to the Reuniclus, "Let's go!" as I scrambled to my feet.
          Reuniclus was giggling to himself as I hopped over the incapacitated trainers. The sound, as it rose above the din, was mind-boggling—how could a pokemon that seemed so powerful be so…naïve?—but I couldn't dwell on it. Ahead lay a seemingly endless corridor, broken on the edges by doors that I guessed led to rooms just like the one I'd been in.
          Guards in gray-white uniforms came out of the door at the end of the hall. I saw them through the clear gel of the floating germ, distorted and faceless. Without a word from me, he put his hands together, calling out almost cheerfully, and before my eyes a green ball of light formed between his three fat fingers. The guards seemed to hesitate, perhaps reach for pokeballs I couldn't see, but Reuniclus let loose the ball of energy before anything could be done. He knocked them down like bowling pins, and I noted their gradual collapse with more than a little satisfaction.
          Reuniclus charged up another beam as I watched, and blew the door off its hinges. A chorus of cries let me knew it had hit the second wave of guards meant to recapture me, and I cheered despite everything, much to the delight of the pokemon. As we crossed the threshold, I watched him turn and wave, a look of childish apology on his face.
          The door led us to a large, open area. It looked like some kind of commons; the middle of the hedge maze that was this seemingly enormous building. Hallway entrances spotted the walls on all sides, labeled with abbreviations that meant nothing to me, and the loud whine of an alarm echoed off the high walls. I stood in the center of the room, panting, while Reuniclus looked around, clearly in awe.
          "Which way to the kitchen, Reuniclus?" I asked, desperate to keep moving.
          He looked to me, then, and tipped his head. "Reu?"
          "Uh, uh…The place where your trainer goes to eat! Where is that?"
          Still completely oblivious to my panic, but appearing to have understood me at least, he put a hand on his chin, pondering.
          I heard the cry of a different pokemon from within one of the many hallways before I knew what was happening. I whirled in the direction of the sound just in time to see the tunnel of fire burst forth from the passage entrance and collide with Reuniclus.
          The sound of his scream sent a chill from the top of my head to the base of my spine; made my stomach writhe beneath my skin. I didn't get a chance to call out to him before a sudden and intense burning exploded across my torso.
          His screaming ceased in my perception. My ears were filled with the sound of my own and the rush of scalding water that was soaking through my shirt and onto my skin, plastering the two together. I felt myself skidding backwards on the floor, pushed back by the burning stream that seemed never-ending.
          And then it was over and I fell to my knees, gut seething and legs shaking and tears stinging my eyes. I could only stare at the floor, coughing and dripping in a haze of pure pain.
          "Prisoner located." A deep male voice sounded from behind me. "Will be returned to her cell shortly."
          I wanted to lift my head but I was in shock; nothing would listen. A thousand thoughts were rushing through my head but they flew in and died in light of the agony that consumed every inch of me now. So I remained where I was, hearing a distant voice growl above the waning alarm, "Well done, Simisear. Simipour."
          A sudden pressure on my chin forced my neck up, sending another jolt of pain through me. The man towered before me, deep shadows cast on him by the lights high above us. I wanted him to see rage, but my face was contorted with pain and I couldn't get it to change.
          "I knew we should've put more than just one pair of handcuffs on you," he grinned victoriously down at me.
          Teeth clenched, I glanced sideways. I could see Reuniclus backed against a wall, looking from monkey to monkey as they approached him, cackling squeakily. His oil-drop eyes shimmered with fear and confusion. "Reu..niclus…"
          He threw up his arms in defense, not hearing me.
          "I'm not sure how you got that thing," he rolled his eyes towards Reuniclus, "but you've got terrible luck. One of the weakest things I've ever seen; its trainer probably left it just so they wouldn't have to deal with it."
          I heard him chuckle but continued to look at the frightened little germ; watched him tremble as the monkeys reached for him and began to tug him from the wall. He let out a loud whimper when the Simipour gripped his arm, and I glimpsed the disfigured, blistering skin beneath fleshy paws.
          Something happened, then, that was purely mental. The sound set off some kind of snap in my brain and everything stopped and I thought. I thought of laughter and of guards falling beneath the mass of glowing green power. I thought of a friendly smile and a Blitzle colliding with its attacking trainers. I thought of the baby pokemon that had been trained and evolved to a state that hid but couldn't suppress the simplicity of his age.
          I owed my escape to that pokemon, his reasons for helping me aside. I'd needed and used him, and I still needed him now. But, at this moment, he needed me just as strongly. Here, in this room of metal hostility, we were prisoners with no one but each other to hope in for salvation. I couldn't get out of this alone, but neither could Reuniclus, and I, too, owed him his escape.
          And then the moment was gone. The monkeys had a firm hold on Reuniclus and were bringing him back to their trainer, who still had a firm hold on me. I still shook with pain and my skin was on fire. I looked back to the man, swallowing. I finally felt fury reach my expression.
          "Let him go," I hissed through gritted teeth.
          He smirked. "I'm afraid I can't do that. If we don't teach him how to listen, he'll never learn. A lesson we'll be teaching you, too."
          I glanced once more to Reuniclus. He stared back at me with tears in his tiny black eyes.
          Then I shook my head from the man's hand and sunk my teeth into it.
          He yelled and tried to draw back, but I didn't yield. I could taste blood in my mouth and feel it spotting my tongue before a hard slap to my cheek loosened my jaw and sent me to the floor.
          I rolled away and back to my knees. While he was turned to run and grab me, I lunged forward and slammed my head into his gut. I felt the wind leave him before he staggered backwards, gasping.
          "Reuniclus!" I shouted, our eyes locking as I rose to my feet. "Shake them off!"
          With a sudden jerk he threw his arms about wildly, face still distorted with fear, and the grips of the monkeys failed, sending them flying back.
          They landed as skillfully as cats and stood side-by-side, glaring at Reuniclus.
          "Both of you, crunch!" their trainer ordered almost immediately.
          The monkeys, growling, smiled to show large, sharp teeth, dripping shadow. They ran towards him then split up and leapt into the air, planning to get him on each side.
          I bolted forward. Simisear caught Reuniclus on the back, but I jumped and shoved him out of the way and intercepted Simipour. I screamed as its teeth dug into my shoulder.
          Reuniclus cried out as both monkeys withdrew, the damage done, back to their trainer's side. We stood facing each other, blood surging down my arm.
          "Reu!" he whispered frantically, eyeing my bloody wound.
          "Don't worry, I'm fine!" I smiled, trembling with the effort. "I'm not letting you do this alone, Reuniclus."
          And he just stared back at me, wide lips parting silently.
          With wheezing laughter, the guard rose to his feet. His pokemon stood in front of him. "Executive Maitland won't be pleased to see you in such bad shape, but he can't blame me if it's your own stupidity that causes it."
          I squared my stance and glared at him. "Shut up and let's get started. I've got more important things to do than battle a useless grunt."
          The man sneered, "Simisear! Simipour! Acrobatics!"
          The monkeys jumped into the air, preparing to bear down upon us.
          "Reuniclus! Dah—" but Simipour slammed me to the ground back-first. Pain exploded in my arms, but my cry was drowned out by that of Simisear. I saw it slam against a bright wall of light held by Reuniclus' hands, and then they both drew back.
          "Psychic!" I cried, not caring who it hit.
          At an awkward angle, I saw him glow and then the Simisear, caught in midair. Its eyes closed in frustration and agony, then it shot up onto the ceiling. Glass rained from a broken fixture, and both Simipour and I barely managed to dodge it. The form of Simisear came next, crash-landing on its stomach not far from me, gasping with pain.
          I rolled over and got back up, legs trembling violently. I could feel warm trails of blood on my skin and my head was growing light. I didn't think I could go down again; not if I wanted to get back up.
          "Scald, on the girl, now!"
          Simipour and I locked eyes as it opened its mouth. I braced myself, ready to move. Then the stream of water exploded past its lips and raced towards me.
          I leapt to the side and began to run towards it, but it caught wise and turned towards me, firing another stream. I moved aside again, but the water caught my knee and I stumbled. It prepared another blast while I was trying to regain my balance, and I was sure it would hit. But then an Energy Ball from nowhere exploded atop its water-drop hair.
          I staggered to a stop before the cloud of smoke left by the impact. After a second, the smoke thinned and cleared, and I saw Simipour. It had collapsed against the wall, eyes closed in unconsciousness.
          A bubble of joy rose in my chest, but I didn't get a chance to cheer. The guard cut me off with, "Crunch!", and I spun to see Simisear on its feet and running towards Reuniclus.
          "Out of the way!" I cried, but damage had slowed him and Simisear caught his arm right on the burn.
          Reuniclus howled in agony as the shadowed teeth sunk into his thick, gelatinous arm. He shook his arm wildly as I ran towards him with all the strength I could muster, but was still too slow. The monkey leapt off, smiling wickedly, just as I reached Reuniclus.
          He drifted to the ground and I stood at his side, glaring at Simisear.
          "Looks like you're on your last legs, girl," his trainer smirked, looking to both of us from the sidelines. "Though you lasted longer than I expected you would."
          "It's not over," I shouted, but glanced worriedly down at Reuniclus. Panting, he looked back to me, then to Simisear, determination burning in his exhausted face.
          "Maybe not. But after this, it will be."
          With great effort, Reuniclus floated back up.
          "Yes," I whispered, "it will."
          And we both shouted in perfect unison:
          "Energy Ball!"
          The green glow filled my vision almost completely so that I almost couldn't see the flame begin to grow inside the monkey's gaping mouth. Then, suddenly, the two switched places, and the fire was sweeping Reuniclus back and nearly burning my left arm. I closed my eyes in reflex just after I saw Simisear, too, fly back. There were two loud, simultaneous thuds and the sound of breaking glass. Then all was silent.
          I stood, panting, with my eyes still squeezed shut for an eternal moment, almost afraid to open them, and when I did, it was to a haze of dust and heat and flickering light.
          Through it, I saw Simisear collapsed in a heap on the floor. The guard shouted at it to get up as I turned to see Reuniclus in the same position, arms splayed at strange angles on the floor.
          "Reuniclus!?" The sheer sorrow in my voice shocked me as I wobbled over to him. I kneeled at his side, wishing I could shake him with my bound and aching hands. "Reuniclus, are you alright!?"
          And as I watched, his fingers twitched. Once. Twice. Then his arm shifted and pushed himself up, raising his head up just enough to show me his eyes.
          I locked onto them, "Reuniclus!" I wanted desperately to hug him, but I could only press my cheek to his head. "You were wonderful. Thank you so much."
          "Reu," he murmured softly, his eyes fogged with exhaustion, though he still managed to smile back at me.
          "No!" roared the guard. We both looked to see him standing before his fainted pokemon, face red with rage. "This means nothing! You're still coming with me!"
          He stormed towards us. I tried to stand but before I could, Reuniclus raised his arm to stop me. I saw that arm glow, watched it pass on to the guard. Before my eyes, he froze and then was lifted into the air. He stared daggers at me and yelled in protest—his mouth all he could move—as he was thrown backward into the wall. His head cracked hard into the concrete, and then the glowing ceased and he fell to the floor, next to his Simisear.
          We both watched for a few tense moments, but he didn't move.
          I felt a rapid burst of air rush from my lungs. In light of it, the room remained still.
          "It's…over…" I panted. I tried again to get to my feet but my legs wouldn't move. Reuniclus looked back at me with a strange expression on his face, but my head was too light with relief to focus on it. "Now we can go find my parents! Now we...can…"
          Adrenaline still flowed, but it had ceased to be enough. I succumbed to the punctures on my shoulder still dripping blood. The next thing I knew, my world inverted and I collapsed onto something hard. Pain flared in my neck and my shoulders; warmth was pooling slowly around one of them.
          I heard Reuniclus call out to me as though through water.
          "I'm Cicero, by the way," I murmured, feeling something like jelly begin sliding across my shoulders and my calves. It was soft; soft enough that it was comfortable on my burned and broken and dust-caked skin. "Are you ready for me to make you lunch?"
Previous: Part 2
Next: Part 4

Who guessed Reuniclus?!?! 8D (oh right no one XDDDD)

Battle sequence HO!! :la:

I wrote this all almost completely in one sitting cause I just got so into it XD It just kinda...happened. (after a bit-o mechanics help from :iconhangmanheadphones: ) I fixed a bit of specifics and stuff for the next section, but for the most part it just flowed out of mah hands onto the page. This is MOMENTOUS for me, cause action's usually hard but was just all FUN!!!

Ending it was a bitch, though XD But I eventually got where I wanted and rather like it if I do say so myself >w<

Cicero, nuuuu!!!! What will happen now!?
© 2011 - 2024 HawkeyeRiza37
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Hosharu's avatar
Normally I'd have a witty and structured comment, try to point out some sort of helpful segment....but I got nothing this time around.
Wonderful job!
Looking forward to the next part....And even more so for you know who.